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 These books tell the story of Dandalus who is a professor of genetics engineering. The world becomes plagued with an incurable disease that has quietly incubated in the world population so that by the time virus becomes active 75% of the world has become infected and most die before Dandalus comes up with a cure.


In this new world Dandalus becomes the leader by the fact that many of the survivors were his genetically modified supahumans which were developed in his vast laboratory by using genetics from parents and manipulated into the desired offsprings of the original parents.


Over time supahumans become despised by the Olhumans because they were superior in every aspect of life and they(Olhumans) could not compete with the creative powers of the Supahumans. To wrestle power back from Dandalus Olhumans take up arms against the state controlled by councils given authority and power by Dandalus.


Religion which became quite redundant in this new life were excited at the appearance of a new messiah with supernatural powers. Dandalus realising he had damaged the environment permanently when left his friend for dead and only this person with supernatural powers could reverse this cataclysmic occurence. Unfortunately the encounter did not end as was intended.



In the second book, "Return of the Fathers," we find Dandalus paying dearly for the original encounter with the man with supernatural powers and after a trial conducted by alien beings he is instruucted that he has  to reverse all the things he has done including the total demise of his genetically modified supahumans. The first task he realised he must do his destroy the humanoid robots and their creator which is difficult for him as their creator was his closest friend and now enemy Professor Wolfrun.

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