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my name is Trevor Watson AKA "The Humblelion of Zion." I was born in Jamaica and moved to London at an early age. I found my joy in science and arts of writing and poetry from an early age. I am a Biomedical Scientist now living and working in Ghana since emigrating from England May 2015.


I have written plays for theatres and short stories for magazines. I have a collection of an 100 poems which I am currently working on to make them publishable. I have also written a story of social fiction, "A walk across broken glass." which was well received by publishers but were not in the position to publish it at that time unfortunately I lost the manuscript on paper and on computer files. This lost has hindered my literary progress. I have mourned the lost of this manuscript like a mother mourning the loss of a baby.

I fought back against this pyschological literary blockage and now have 2 science faction books which I am promoting on this web site. 


I hope many people read these books it will impactly greatly on their understanding of the true meaning of life in this world and the spiritual world.

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